The website ready to offer you official and allowed mods for WOT (world of tanks) 1.2. The project team found all over the Internet the most convenient legal modification of the game client and gathered them in one place. Download mods very easily, because access to them is not necessary to pay, can download absolutely free of charge. All the things that you love to use every day by playing your favorite tanks in World of tanks, we have: the Assembly of the payload, the most convenient sights, Renamer (XVM), minimap, damage panel and many other extras.
Why do I need all these mods you ask? The answer to this question is quite simple. Since the release of WOT gamers understand that without the modifications of the game client can not do and started to create addons for every taste. Now you can make your client unique, tuned. The game interface becomes very attractive. As the development world of tanks has grown and the number of available modifications. Now hundreds, if not thousands, and most advanced creations of modders come to the pages of our site.